Vision / Mission

Home Vision / Mission

Our vision is to create a more inclusive financial ecosystem where every individual has the opportunity to thrive financially. We envision a future where long queues and limited access to banking services become a thing of the past. By leveraging technology and fostering strategic collaborations, we strive to bridge the gap between urban and rural areas, empowering individuals with the financial tools they need to improve their lives. With Punjikendra, we envision a world where financial inclusion is a reality for all, unlocking the potential and driving positive change across India.


At Punjikendra, our mission is to drive financial inclusion and empower under-served communities in India. We are dedicated to breaking down barriers and ensuring that every individual, regardless of their location or background, has access to seamless and inclusive financial services. Through our innovative technology solutions and strategic partnerships, we aim to transform local stores into mini bank branches, providing convenient and secure financial services to the doorsteps of rural communities.